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22 July 2009

Adventures in Javascript

Note: Blogger doesn't give me a good way to preview the image before it goes live.  If it is too small, my apologies.  I'll try to get that fixed before your news reader pulls the feed.

The Question
Sometimes I think programmers tend to accept things the way they are without really questioning them, especially when it comes to language quirks.  This is something I remember coming across when I was first learning Javascript.  I was reminded of it recently while reading a Javascript book.

Javascript pros will probably quickly recognize what's going on here.

At first I thought the third definition of MyFunc would wipe out the others.  And just to verify that declaring a function in that manner normally makes it into the assumed contexts, I did it with YourFunc.

What gives?

Go ahead, take a guess... 

The Answer
The interpreter evaluates standalone functions before the other expressions.  So it is as if 'function MyFunc...' were written before everything else.  This can be verified by calling MyFunc() in the first line of the script.  The expressions (which include assignments) are then evaluated.  So what appears as the second assignment of MyFunc is really the third, and the third is really first.